Fun Facts About Axolotls
Axolotls are amphibians belonging to the family of salamanders.
Their closest relatives are tiger salamanders.
Other Examples of amphibians are, frogs, toads and Salamanders.
They live in lakes in Mexico - Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco.
They eat worms, bugs, and small fish, and are peaceful creatures at the top of their food chain in their home.
Axolotls can regenerate; they can grow a new leg if one is lost and can easily change colors like a chameleon.
Sadly, these creatures are endangered due to water pollution and habitat destruction.
There are only a few numbers of Axolotls remaining in the wild, specifically about 700 to 1200 axolotls left in the wild, so it's important to protect them and their homes. Learn how to help on the next page.
Want to help save Axolotls?
Learn more about Axolotls; Lookup information online on these creatures, their habitats and the challenges they face.
Share what you learned; Share with friends, family, and classmates what you have learned about Axolotls. This will help spark interest and get more people to talk about Axolotls.
Act to stop water pollution: Save water, handle harmful garbage correctly and avoid using bad chemicals that could contaminate their homes.
Be Creative: help more people become familiar with axolotls, through creating art, posters, or joining online efforts.
Plan an event to raise funds for axolotls; Gather your friends and talk about these fascinating creatures and perhaps include some fun activities, such, as coloring, to spark their interest.